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amaranthus blitum medicinal uses

3. The Greeks call the Amaranthus blitum var. Beldro ou caruru (Amaranthus blitum) O beldro (ou caruru) pertence à família das Chenopodioideae , sendo que as partes mais consumidas dessas plantas que podemos comer selvagens são as folhas. If the crop was sown directly, the once-over harvest by uprooting or by cutting at ground level may be done 3–4 weeks after sowing. The Greeks call the Amaranthus blitum var. Fluid extracts are used for throat and mouth ulcers, and due to its astringency, it is recommended for diarrhoea and dysentery (Grieve, 1978). (read), In Ayurveda, Amaranthus is included under the group of Vegetables (shaka varga). Amaranthus carneus Moq.. Amaranthus chlorostachys Moq.. Amaranthus esculentus Besser ex Moq.. Amaranthus farinaceus Roxb. Amaranthus spp. [3 Genus. MorphologyAmaranthus tricolor is an erect, annual herb growing up to 5 ft tall. etcetera. The leaves are used as an emollient. Amaranthus is one of the C4 plants, being very effective in using Carbon in producing biomass. Health Benefits of Amaranth. 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Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Aconitum Ferox. is used to control bleeding following abortion. The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Wind. Shade is disadvantageous except in cases of drought stress. Seria esse um alerta para olharmos com mais atenção para o gênero Amaranthus? Like maize and sugar cane, the genus. Uses. The poultice prepared from leaves is used to treat inflammation, boils and abscess. It is also used as vegetable. Sete dos cinquenta casos de resistência reportados no Brasil são referentes à espécies de caruru. Fruit a subglobular to broadly ovoid-ellipsoid capsule c. 2 mm long, indehiscent or bursting irregularly, crowned by stigmas, 1-seeded. Medicinal Uses: The plant is cooling, alexiteric, laxative, stomachic, appetizer and antipyretic; used in burning sensation, hallucination, leprosy, bronchitis, piles, leucorrhoea and constipation. Amaranthus blitum subsp. Seeds are small, 1.5 mm diameter, smooth, shiny black in color. Root decoction is used to relieve piles and diarrhea in children. Known at least since the first half of the 19 th century in Belgium and sometimes claimed as an archaeophyte. Vegetative development is fast. Livid amaranth appears to be increasing in abundance in the Southeast. Pl. The juice of A. blitum was found to inhibit mutagenesis induced by benzo[a]pyrene, 2-amino-fluorene and 3-amino-1,4 dimethyl-5H-pyridol in Salmonella Typhimurium (Seung et al., 1997). Pl. Amaranth is a quantitative short-day plant, which is an advantage in the subtropics where the generative stage is retarded during summer. Flowers are pinkish white arranged in clustered spike. Harvested plants or shoots are bundled, the roots are washed, and the produce is packed for transport to the market. Amaranthus blitonius St.-Lag.. Amaranthus diffuses Dulac.. Amaranthus gangeticus Wall.. Amaranthus graecizans blitum … The Greeks call the Amaranthus blitum var. 990 1753 . The roots, stem and leaves are good liver tonic. • Stevels, J.M.C., 1990. A study done to evaluate pharmacognostical and phytopharmacological profile of Amaranthus tricolor have reported that the plant possess hepatoprotective, hematological, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant activity, anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties. The extract of Amaranthus is used to treat different diseases like respiratory disorders, gynecological diseases, diabetes, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, inflammation, pain etc. Cutting should be done at a height that leaves at least 2 leaves and buds for regrowth. The use of Amaranthus blitum by the FMP to treat diabetes is new. By Dr Renita D’SouzaAmaranth is a multipurpose plant used as grain and leafy vegetable. Botanical Name – Amaranthus blitumSynonym – Amaranthus lividus Family – AmaranthaceaeRelated Plant – Amaranthus viridis, commonly called as slender amaranth or green amaranth. Amaranthus blitum L. Amaranth, wild amaranth, pigweed, purple amaranth (En). 2: 990 (1753). It is in leaf from April to October, in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Side Effects & Safety Do not use aconite. Amaranthus anacardana Hook.f.. Amaranthus arardhanus Sweet. Although not cultivated, this plant is gathered from the wild and eaten in many parts of the world. Uses Amaranth leaves and stems are commonly eaten after cooking in a manner similar to spinach. Manage weeds with preemergence and postemergence herbicides to prevent spread. It is also used as a remedy for lung disorders. They act as demulcent. Hindi Name – MarasaEnglish Name – Purple amaranth, Guernsey pigweed, Livid amaranthBengali Name – SaadanateGujarati Name – DhaambhoKannada Name – Harive soppuTamil Name – TandukiraiTelugu Name – TotakudaKonkani Name – BhajiMarathi Name – Bhaji, Matachi bhajiFrench Name – amarante verte, Taste – sweetVipaka (taste conversion after digestion) – pungentPotency (virya) – coldRuksha – dryVishtambhi – causes constipationPittanuth – balances pitta doshaGuru – heavy to digestEffect on TridoshaIncreases vata and kapha doshaRead – Winter Melon Health Benefits, Medicinal Use, Side Effects, Raktapitta – used in bleeding disordersVishamagnijith – corrects vishamaagni (fire governed by vata)Mada – intoxicationTrit – excess thirstVisham – poisoning, Amaranthus leaves contain water 88.9 g, energy 18 kcal, protein 3.5 g, fat 0.3 g, carbohydrate 0.3 g, dietary fiber 2.6 g, Ca 270 mg, Mg 130 mg, P 65 mg, Fe 3.0 mg, carotene 1725 μg, thiamin 0.07 mg, riboflavin 0.22 mg, niacin 0.7 mg, folate 85 μg, ascorbic acid 42 mg. (read more), Kingdom – Plantae Phylum – Spermatophyta Subphylum – Angiospermae Class – Dicotyledonae Order – Caryophyllales Family – Amaranthaceae Genus – Amaranthus Species – Amaranthus viridis. ex Moq.. Amaranthus guadeloupensis Voss. Traditional medicinal uses of A. spinosus are not limited to ... A. viridis, A. blitum and A. tricolor for protein and carbohydrate content whereas oven dried leaves for Fe, Ca, K and Na contents. 990 1753 . Amaranthus blitum é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Amaranthaceae.. A autoridade científica da espécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Species Plantarum 2: 990., no ano de 1753. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, United Kingdom. (Medit.) (syn.:A. 1a Wild and cultivated Leafy vegetable; medicine Inflorescence an axillary many-flowered cluster, Amaranthus blitum purple amaranth Amaranthus brownii Brown's amaranth Amaranthus californicus California amaranth Amaranthus cannabinus tidalmarsh amaranth Amaranthus caudatus foxtail amaranth Amaranthus chihuahuensis . Aconite root is UNSAFE when taken by mouth.All species of the plant are dangerous, and so are processed products. There are 2 varieties, Swetha maarisha (Amaranthus blitum) and Rakta maarisha (Amaranthus tricolor).Read – Ridge Gourd: Benefits, Remedies, Research, Side Effects, Sanskrit Synonyms Maarisha, Vashpaka, Marsha, VarietiesSwetha maarisha- white varietyRakta maarisha – red variety. 163 pp. Wageningen Agricultural University Papers 90–1. Common problems. Amaranthus spinosus plants is used as a tenderizer in cooking tough vegetables such as cowpea leaves and pigeon peas. All these vegetables have following qualities –Guru – heavy to digestRooksha – dryMadhura – sweet in tasteSheeta veerya – cold potencyBhedana – purgativeThey produce wind during the process of digestion.It is wholesome when consumed by boiling and draining the juice, and adding excess of fat substances.Read – Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) – Uses, Remedies, Research, Side Effects. Formerly chiefly introduced with wool, more recently usually as a contaminant in cereals or a nursery weed. The height of the first cutting is normally 10–15 cm. Commercial growers harvest by uprooting or by cutting at ground level. In dishes with green leafy vegetables or pot herbs. Names of Aconitum Ferox in various languages of the world are also given. Tepals 5. If uprooted, the vegetable can be kept fresh for some days by putting it in a basin with the roots in the water. [1] [2]Os seus nomes comuns são beldros, beldro-manso, bredos, bredo-manso, bredo-roxo, carurú-folha-de-cuia ou carurú-vermelho. However, other Amaranthus species reportedly have … Roots and seeds are used to treat white discharge from vagina, impotence, colic, gonorrhea and eczema. Some growers obtain a second harvest 3 weeks later from the regrowth of the smallest plants. Leaves are simple, 5 – 12 cm long, 3 – 7 cm wide, ovate or lanceolate, purplish pink in color. There are four main species which are cultivated as vegetables; A. cruentus, A. blitum… Inflorescence an axillary many-flowered cluster, forming a false spike at apex of plant, with male and female flowers intermixed; bracts up to 1 mm long. Vegetable amaranths grow well at day temperatures above 25°C and night temperatures not lower than 15°C. Amaranth. Leaves are occasionally found for sale on markets. It could be consumed either as a leaf vegetable, grain … In the Unanisystem of medicine, the juice of the Amaranthusroot is considered a remedy for gastric problems, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, boils, burns and nausea. Annual herb, small and stunted to rather tall and erect, up to 100 cm tall; stem simple or branched, glabrous. 4th Edition. Amaranthus blitum. Amaranthus spinosus has many medicinal properties like astringent, diaphore… Most infestations begin with plants growing on the borders of plant beds which spread to containers. Légumes traditionnels du Cameroun: une étude agrobotanique. Amaranthus blitum purple amaranth. Roots are used to relieve pain and inflammation. Uses: Culinary, medicinal, soil conditioner. Bledo (Amaranthus blitum) O bledo pertence à família do Chenopodioideae A parte mais consumida desta planta selvagem é a sua folha. Amarante sauvage, amarante blette (Fr). Amaranthus blitum L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Amaranthus (family Amaranthaceae ). The fifth supplement to McCance & Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods. The mineral uptake is very high. Amaranth is rich in antioxidants, , proteins, vitamins and minerals which make it the healthy food by preventing the chronic diseases, enhancing immune system, stimulating repair and growth, lowering inflammation and blood pressure, lessening varicose veins, and promoting the strength of bones and others. Vegetable amaranths in general are recommended as a good food with medicinal properties for young children, lactating mothers and for patients with fever, haemorrhage, anaemia or kidney complaints. [2 As formas de comer esta planta são muito variadas. Cytomorphological and phylogenetic studies of the genus Amaranthus from Nigeria. List of various diseases cured by Aconitum Ferox. Amaranthus for pharmaceutical industries, researchers should. The flowers dried and powdered are used as a styptic, arresting the profusion of Menses, diarrhoea, bleeding at the nose. Amaranths like fertile, well-drained soils with a loose structure. Botanical Name – Amaranthus tricolorSynonyms – Amaranthus gangeticus, Amaranthus dubius,Family – Amaranthaceae, Hindi Name – Lal Marasa, Lal saaga, laal marasha, Chaulai  English Name – Red amaranth, Joseph’s coat, Chinese Spinach, Garden Amaranth, Fountain Plant, Elephant-Head Amaranth etcBengali Name – Dengua, Lal shakMarathi Name – Maath, Mash, Chavalaayi, Ranmaath, Thambada maathKannada Name – Dantu, Harive soppu, Dantina Soppu, ChikkariveTelugu Name – Thotakura, Erra Tatakoora, Bhadara, Dantu koora Tamil Name – Thandukeerai, Mulaikkerai, Cherikkira Malayalam Name – AramaseetalamKonkani Name – Tambdi bhajjiGujarati Name – TandaljoPunjabi Name – Lal Marsa SagOriya – Bajjisag Read – Muskmelon (Kharbuja) – Qualities, Uses, Remedies, Research, Side Effects, Taste – sweetSlightly heavy to digestVipaka (taste conversion after digestion) – Katu (pungent)Sakshaara – alkaline in natureSara – causes bowel movementShleshmala – increases kapha doshaSwalpa dosha udeeritah – slightly increases dosha, As per the reference found from Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 27 the chapter, Maarisha is mentioned under Supya shaka (vegetables fit to make soup). Amaranto, bredo (Po). Leaves arranged spirally, simple without stipules; petiole 1–10 cm long; lamina angular ovate, 1–10 cm × 0.5–6 cm, shortly cuneate at base, notched at apex, entire, glabrous, green or more or less purple, pinnately veined. Leaves of red amaranth are rich in proteins, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A. Amaranthus tricolor possesses antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antiviral nd antiproliferative activity. Amaranthus blitum. You have entered an incorrect email address! When harvest is by repeated cutting, the first cutting takes place about 3 weeks after transplanting, and then every 2–3 weeks for a period of one or two months. Flowers unisexual, subsessile, with 3(–5) tepals up to 1.5 mm long; male flowers with 3 stamens opposite tepals; female flowers with superior, 1-celled ovary crowned by (2–)3 stigmas. & Olusi, O.O., 1988. It is sold in bunches or by weight. Amaranthus viridis is a ANNUAL growing to 0.5 m (1ft 8in). In some cultures, it is harvested to be used as a cooked leaf vegetable. blitum é uma subespécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Amaranthaceae.. A autoridade científica da subespécie é L., tendo sido publicada em Sp. Amaranthus albus. The edible leaves and seeds are sometimes gathered from the wild and used locally. The leaves are used as a febrifuge and poultice to treat inflammations, boils and abscesses. Algumas características contribuem para a probabilidade de seleção e são frequentemente verificadas em biótipos resistentes à … When posting your comment, it will take some time before it will become visible. 262 pp. Amaranthus blitoides mat amaranth, ... Based on available information on medicinal uses of. Its root extracts along with amla and bark of Ashok and Daru Haldiare used to treat 6leucorrhea. Amaranthus guadelupensis Moq.. Amaranthus hybridus cruentus (L.) Thell.. Amaranthus hybridus paniculatus (L.) Uline & W.L.Bray. The extract of Amaranthus is used to treat different diseases like respiratory disorders, gynecological diseases, diabetes, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, inflammation, pain etc. [1]Os seus nomes comuns são beldros, beldro-manso, bredos, bredo-manso, bredo-roxo, carurú-folha-de-cuia ou carurú-vermelho. Amaranthus blitum L. This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Amaranthus (family Amaranthaceae ). They have galactagogue property which is used to promote and increase breast milk. Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands. DistributionAmaranthus is widely cultivated in India, Nepal, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines, Central America, Mexico, Southern and Eastern Africa. Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae) ‘ilayat’ Uses: 1) Jaundice: Root extract (3-5ml) taken orally once in early morning for a week. The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23 ) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Sp. (. How to Use Amaranth Amaranth is simple to prepare … • Baquar, S.R. – A rather frequent, locally naturalised and probably increasing alien. © Copyright 2017 lividus L. p.p.,A. Emergence of the seedling takes place 3–5 days after sowing. It is used as blood purifier. It is rich in linoleic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid. In India, Amaranthus grain is commonly called as Rama’s grain (Rajgira)Read – Pointed Gourd Health Benefits, Usage – Ayurveda Details, There are different species of amaranthus, some are edible and possess medicinal benefits. Related plants. Mchicha (Sw). Você pode comê-lo cru ou cozido, você também pode usar seus frutos para fazer infusões e até mesmo farinha. As formas de comer essa planta podem variar bastante: você pode comê-las cruas ou cozidas , além de usar seus frutos para preparar infusões e até farinhas. Medicinal Uses. Latin name: Amaranthus blitum Synonyms: Amaranthus lividus Family: Amaranthaceae (Amaranth Family, Pigweed Family) Medicinal use of Slender Amaranth: A fluid extract of the plant is used as an astringent internally in the treatment of ulcerated mouths and throats, externally as … Root decoction along with Cucurbita pepo Linn. & Buss, D.H., 1991. How Aconitum Ferox is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Vegetables, herbs and spices. We provide you with the latest health and and healthy living news and tips to remain fit and live a healthy life. & Kader Mohideen, M., 1989. The Bottom Line. Some people dry the leaves for use during the dry season. Red amaranth is traditionally used to treat bleeding disorders, heavy menstrual bleeding, diarrhea, wound, mouth ulcers, cough, throat infections, toothache, eczema, piles, diarrhea, gonorrhea, leucorrhoea, impotence etc. Common Tumbleweed. (family Amaranthaceae). • Holland, B., Unwin, I.D. Kromosomo (Tokyo) 2(51–52): 1665–1674. Table 1 Description and uses of selected amaranths species Adapted from Mosyakin and Robertson (1996), Grubben and Denton (2004) and Adjakidje` (2006) Species Status Uses Botany/description Seed maturity period Amaranthus blitum L. Fig. medicinal plants and their properties, which they have learned to use against various diseases, even though they are not in a situation to diagnose the disease(s) themselves. In Greek, Amaranthus means immortal. It is also used as vegetable. [3] In Britain it was first recorded in the wild in 1771 when it appeared in Essex. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9 and is frost tender. Amaranthus spinosus leaves and young plants are collected for home consumption as a cooked, steamed or fried vegetable, especially during periods of drought. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Netherlands License. ascendens Loisel.) The plant, especially the form Amaranthus blitum oleraceus, is often allowed to grow as a weed and is occasionally cultivated as a vegetable [ 299 Protabase - Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. silvestre, vlita (Modern Greek: βλίτα), and eat the leaves and the tender shoots cooked in steam or boiled and then served with olive oil, lemon and salt. Herbal Remedies and Medicinal Uses of Amaranthus: —There are several kinds of the Amaranthus; but that used in medicine is the large one with the drooping purple spike. There are different species of amaranthus, some are edible and possess medicinal benefits. Summary Amaranth is a nutritious, gluten-free grain that is a suitable dietary addition for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. In markets and shops, it is sprinkled with water to keep a fresh appearance. Amaranthus tricolor contains carbohydrates, flavonoids, proteins and amino acids, steroids and fatty acids (palmitic, linoleic, lignoceric and archidic acid)Read – Carrot (Gajar): Benefits, Remedies, Research, Side Effects. (read more), Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Shaaka vargaKaiyadeva Nighantu – Aushadi vargaCharaka Samhita – SupyashaakaClick to Consult Dr Renita D’Souza. 17. Amaranthus spinosusis also used as forage and said to increase the yield of milk in cattle. Amaranthus hybridus … Stem cylindrical purplish red. Maarisha in Sanskrit is referred to a plant of Amaranthus species. Amaranth grain is gluten free and it is a rich source of protein, lipids, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and dietary fibre. Seed lenticular, up to 1.5 mm in diameter, glossy dark brown to black. (A), Amaranth Seed oil – It is obtained from seeds of Amaranthus cruentus and Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Amaranthus blitum L. (Amaranthaceae) ‘Tandulja’ Use: Eye irritation: Leaf juice (50ml) with sugar taken once a day for a week.

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