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scent leaf and infection

Thus, to achieve this crush the leaves and apply to the infected areas. Scent leaf is known for its ability to kill bacteria in the mouth and help fight off bad breath. The Nigerian Market is filled with products like tooth paste, chewing gum, breath fresheners, candy(i.e peppermint) and inhalers which have mint as their base element. 1. Scent leaf is a natural plant from the Labiatae family. benefits of scent leaf. * Used traditionally to treat psychotic disorders. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Bitter Leaf. Healthfacts is an online health interactive media platform that provides relevant and locally driven public health knowledge. 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Scent Leaves. These anti-microbial properties make it useful for the treatment of oral infections, mouth odour, tooth decay, fungal infections and bad breath. The plant tree is about 1-3 m in height with a green leaf of about 6 mm diameter (Igile et al., 1994, 1995a). They are also used for treating gout and fungal infections. Scent leaf can help with this problem as it has the ability to relieve cramps. The stick of this leaf is being used by some people as a local chewing stick. Scent leaves help cool down the stomach. 11. See a pediatrician immediately you notice your newborn have hemorrhoid or Jedi Jedi. 9. Scent leaf crushed and applied to skin infections is a known remedy for their treatment. If yes, bitter leaves and scent leaves might be the answer to your problems because they are both very good for your health. Scent leaf has distinctive smell and taste, sometimes unpleasant, fragrant or sweet. susceptible to the leaf extract and the plant could be used as potential source of natural product for the treatment of infection. Its extract juice can also be used to treat stomach ache, chronic dysentery, and vomiting. Fungal Infections Scent leaf crushed and applied to skin infections is a known remedy for their treatment. There is a widespread belief that scent leaf detoxifies the kidneys but this is not factual as the kidney itself is a self cleansing organ that filters out waste from the blood. Worthy of note is the fact that no part of this plant is useless as all parts can be used for various medicinal and nutritious purposes. Scent leaf is a well known fertility booster. Other benefits of scent leaf. Eye infections are pretty common and easy to spot. Treat oral infection . Bad boys vs Good guys: Why am I attracted to bad boys? Besides, speaking about scent leaf and conception, it can promote faster maturation of egg, stimulation of the delay of menopause. It is used in various ayurvedic medicines. Mashed scent leaves are also used in treating skin diseases such as ring worms. So, keep reading to find out more. * Scent leaf and Jedi jedi: Scent leaf juice is traditionally squeezed into the anus of babies with Jedi Jedi – piles. Coconut, scent leaf cure for peptic ulcer. chemical properties of scent leaf As a medicinal plant, its contained bioactive compounds and others compounds such as alkaloids, carbon compounds, glycosides, essential oils, fatty oils, resins, mucilage, tannins and gums enlist it as a precursor for drugs synthesis of useful and therapeutic use. These anti-microbial properties make it useful for the treatment of infections such as: oral infections, Do not try this at home. Oil from the leaves has been shown to posses antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. 3. It is also able to prevent tooth decay. Please boil water 💧 at home 🏠 add salt, garlic, scent 🍂 leaves, cloves and booni. 4. Due to its high vitamin A content, scent leaves when it’s consumed regularly can cure a whole lot of eye infections like conjunctivitis prevent night blindness and any other vision problems. Scent leaf is a good treatment for oral infection. It aids digestion . 💺 Sit on it for 30 minutes, do it thrice in a week, then secondly soak Cloves And Booni in a bottle with cold water for 3 days, then use it to wash your V twice in a day, you will be clean 🛁 like a 🆕 born baby, both for infections … It’s enriched with calcium, phosphorus, carbon, iron and vitamin A. You may notice everything from redness, itching, and swelling, to pain and blurry vision. It also encourage easy menstrual flow. Researchers have found that using scent leaf or sweet basil and bitter leaf in combination or singly could stop the growth of breast, lung and prostate cancers. The leaf contains various nutrients and minerals which confer numerous health benefits on the plant. Facts About Scent Leaf And Its Wonderful Benefits. Scent leaf is rich in antifungal properties. Dried basil leaf is used for the preparation of salad dressings, sauces, ketchup. Ocimum gratissimum (Scent leaf) is plant species mainly found in the tropics and widely used as spices. Health Benefits of Scent Leaf For The Body. It is used in various ayurvedic medicines. When left to dry and burn, this leaves could serve as a mosquito repellent; They are also used for treating gout and fungal infections. Scent leaf is the solution. Scent leaves can also be used in treating aches and reliefs from colon pains. Pregnant women should please avoid basil. 4. Scent leaf is believed to cause miscarriage and pregnancy loss. Can scent leaf cure pile? List of various diseases cured by Bitter Leaf. Here are some of its numerous benefits: 3. Scent leaves are high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, carbon and vitamin A. What is scent leaf? Scent leaf is a wonderful leaf in Africa that many have less or no knowledge of the amazing health benefits, do u … The liquid extract can also cure cold and catarrh. The extract from scent leaf can be used to treat stomach ache, diarrhoea and colon pains. Drink it while still warm. The Scent Leaf-"EFINRIN" The scent leaf the Yoruba call it "Efirin" is an important vegetable.It's manifold medicinal usages. It is cultivated in Nigeria and known as Nnchanwu by the Igbos, Efinrin by the Yorubas and Daidoya by the Hausas. These properties help in treating skin infections. In Congo, scent leaf decoction is used for diarrhoea, gonorrhoea infection, vaginal douches for vaginitis and used in treatment of mental illness. Scent leaf and kidney. No doubt, Nigeria is blessed with health-giving medicinal and aromatic plants. The scent leaves have been reported to be rich in plant chemicals. •The oil extract is used in the preservation of food. *Scent leaf  smoothens the skin and clears acne from the face. Scent leaf is a common type of plant which has a distinctive smell and taste. Scent is very rich in vitamin A. Scent Leaf is used for Fungal infections and other conditions. Key words: Antibacterial activity, scent leaf, gastrointestinal bacteria, phytochemicals, plant extract. Scent Leaf Seeds are Highly Medicinal. Italy, scent leaf is … In addition Scent leaves also are used to eliminate bad breath. and Salmonella sp. FAST AND SIMPLE WAYS TO CURE COUGH AND CATARRH, Health Implications of consuming too much Garri, The amazing Health Benefits of Agbalumo (African Star Apple), Tonsillitis: what to look for and how to treat it. This salt may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Subscribe to HealthFacts to get health news, tips and facts in your email... © 2015 - 2020 HealthFacts | Designed by iQube Labs, Important health facts about Scent Leaf every Nigerian should know, Drink wars: carbonated drinks vs fruit juices. How Bitter Leaf is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Say bye bye to smelly mouth as scent leave will kill all the bacteria in your mouth and also prevent tooth decay and bad breath. 1. As we know vitamin A can cope with various types of eye infections, conjunctivitis, and eye soothing stress and also for the prevention of night blindness and other vision problems. It stimulates ovulation and libido in women as well as increasing their chances of getting pregnant. You fit use scent leaf treat fungal infections, when you crush and pieces am. Food wars: red meat vs white meat, which is healthier meat? Scent leaf sticks can be used as a local chewing stick with good benefits to your oral health. Scent leaf does not prevent or remove kidney stones. It is low phenolic contents possess anti-microbial and anti-fungal effect and thus used in disinfections. •Scent leaf mixed with Bitterleaf is used in the treatment of malaria and fever. * Scent leaf and infection: Scent is used by local women in the treatment of all kinds of infections especially vaginal infections and discharge..See a doctor if you suspect a vaginal infection. Scent seeds, in addition to deliciously made drinks are healthy. Ocimum gratissimum, basil, or “scent leaf”, as Nigerians love to call it, is a tropical plant species. Yes, scent leaf has amazing health benefits but not without side effects. The post I quoted above said “13 leaves mixed with bitter leaf can cure piles”. Antibacterial effect of Vernonia amygdalina (Bitter leaf) and Ocimum gratissimum (Scent leaf) on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa that cause opportunistic infections in HIV/AIDS patients was studied. The liquid is your organic antibiotics; you can serve your chickens anytime, either as a preventive measure or treatment of any disease or infection. Scent leaves is a homegrown plant , it’s botanical name ocimum gratissimum and locally called Efinrin by Yorubas , nchanwu leaf by igbos and daidoya by hausas. Scent Leaf And Weight Loss There are many reports that scent leaf has the possibility of burning excess fat especially around the stomach. Its antioxidative components … Let us now discuss the health benefits of scent leaves and bitter leaves in detail. Scent leaf sticks can be used as a local chewing stick with good benefits to your oral health. Some Of Di Health Benefits Of Scent Leaf Scent leaf (Ocimum gratissimum) is a plant that is widely distributed in the tropics of Africa and Asia. Both scent leaf and bitter leaf can prevent cancer and reduce cholesterol. 3. A urinary tract infection is a very frequent condition that affects the urinary tract. Scent leave can be used to treat oral infections. In addition, PUD not associated with H. pylori infection or the use of NSAIDs is now also imposing substantial diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. The liquid extract can also cure cold and catarrh. Common cold symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, mild headache, sneezing, and fever. Read on to see some of the health benefits of this miraculous plant known as bitter leaf. It is usually a homegrown shrub […] As for the scent leaf, add 100 grams or more, and blend in 2 liters of water. From recent finding scent leaf has been found to be useful in the medication for people living with human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). It’s easy to understand how inhaling the scent of this plant can help relax your body. *Scent leaf smoothens the skin and clears acne from the face. * Lowers blood cholesterol. As bacterial infections continue to develop further resistance against antibiotics, scent leaf also known as Ocimum gratissimum or basil leaves, seem to be some of the medicinal herbs that can control them.. Popularly known as efirin by the Yorubas, nchanwu by the Ibos and daidoya by northerners; the leaf, which is highly nutritional, is quite common in Nigeria. Scent leaf on the other hand is used in Nigeria for mostly soups/stews and is very different from mint leaf. Scent leaves can also be used in treating aches and reliefs from colon pains. Scent leaf oils used for aromatherapy massage are believed to be capable of causing miscarriage or pregnancy loss or premature delivery, so pregnant women should not use it. Cures Cough. The "efirin" is a very peculiar plant in the tropics. It could be concluded that, aqueous extracts of scent leaf at 100ml/L of drinking water could be used to improve growth performance and carcass traits of starter broiler chicks. Scent leaf, as Nigerians love to call it, is a tropical plant species that belongs to the family of Lameacea.. Facts About Scent Leaf And Its Wonderful Benefits. List of various diseases cured by Bitter Leaf. It relieves stomach ache. 3. Scent leaf helps relieve menstrual pains or cramps.. Scent leaf is anti-inflammatory and it it can help you avoid the various bad effects from inflammation. •Scant leaf helps repair damage caused by smoking and nicotine. But this is not true…. Scent leaves is a popular leaf beat used to prepared black soup and pepper soup but it does not cure piles. •Scent leaf helps stop dysentery,diarrhea and vomiting. Scent leaf goes well with pepper soup, unripe plantain, porridge and local rice. In Congo, scent leaf decoction is used for diarrhoea, gonorrhoea infection, vaginal douches for vaginitis and used in treatment of mental illness. INTRODUCTION Pathogenic gastrointestinal bacteria are bacteria that Extracts of scent leaves has also been reported to have lowered blood pressure, strong insect repellent effects and kill many micro-organisms that cause diseases, including candida. You may notice everything from redness, itching, and swelling, to pain and blurry vision. You can dry the plant and use it to prepare a cup of tea. As we do every for every vegetable, let’s go to it Health benefits. Names of Bitter Leaf in various languages of the world are also given. Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) is an important plant in eastern part of Nigeria where it is known as “Olugbu” and eaten as a vegetable. To get this benefit, you can brew Scent leaves as tea if youre a tea drinkers. Scent leaf is used for the treatment of antifungal infections like eczema, ring worm , boil, rashes, etc. Scent leaves are high in calcium,phophurus, iron, potassium, carbon and vitamin A . Daidoya (Hausa), 2.Used in treating Oral infection ; Sometimes you may find your mouth all smelly no matter how hard you brush, scent leaf can help cure bad breathe and kills bacteria in the mouth. Eye infections are pretty common and easy to spot. * Recent researches have found scent leaf beneficial to people living with HIV/AIDS. Scent leaves, due to its aromatic nature, can be used to spice up various kinds of soup (pepper soup inclusive) and other delicious meals like yam porridge. It’s also very calming, thanks to the natural ingredients of pinene, elemicin, and cineol that when burned has a calming almost psychedelic effect. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Bitter Leaf. It is thus conceivable that scent leaves can be brewed as tea to treat cases of diarrhea caused by the above organisms. Your email address will not be published. Extracts of scent leaves has also been reported to have lowered blood pressure, strong insect repellent effects and kill many micro-organisms that cause diseases, including candida Mint leaf is not indigenous to Nigeria but scent leaf is. The juice gotten from squeezing its leaf can be used to cure several stomach related illnesses like cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting and convulsion. •It’s stick is very effective for oral hygiene,it is chewed to clean the mouth. E go destroy skin disease like ring worm. Efirin(Yoruba), 8. How much is the Cost of kidney Test in Ghana. Scent Leaf is very popular in India and is popularly known as scent leaf or Tulsi. Scent Leaves For Mouth Infection The stem of the scent leaf plant can be used to treat mouth odor and gum infections. Scent leave aids digestion. Use the bay leaf to reduce both anxiety and fatigue. The stem is used as a chewing stick. Aids Digestion. Scent leaves. Side Effects, Nutritional Facts & Health benefits of Ube Pear (African Pear) – African pear and pregnancy, List of dialysis centres in Nigeria (ALL 36 STATES + ABUJA), Cost of breast reduction surgery in Ghana. Treats fever / Cold ; Basil contains antipyretic which helps to treat cold or fever, the most effective way us to boil the leaf … Scent leaf is used in health and clinical nutrition, fresh green leaves are added to scent leaf soup, salads, cold appetizers. *Scent leaf smoothens the skin and clears acne from the face. Scent leaf is used in health and clinical nutrition, fresh green leaves are added to scent leaf soup, salads, cold appetizers. Botanically known as Ocimumgratissimum, basil or scent leaf as Nigerians love to call it, is a tropical plant/ specie.Popularly known as efirin by the Yorubas, nchanwu in Ibo and daidoya in the northern part of Nigeria, the leaf which is highly nutritional is quite common in Nigeria. Scent leaf has numerous health benefits such as easy bowel movement in the digestive tract. •It lowers blood sugar level and prevent damage to the pancreas. Drink brewing scent leaves as a tea to be able to cure digestion problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating due to its calming effect and cooling of the stomach. With drinking extracts Scent leaves water regularly, then your cough will subside gradually. Scent leaf seeds can be infused for treating urinary infections, gonorrhoea infection, and vaginal douches for vaginitis. It kills bacterias such as staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans, etc. Treats Skin Infections. Ocimum gratissimum (Scent leaf) is plant species mainly found in the tropics and widely used as spices. Other benefits of scent leaf. Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC) pages = 65 ₦ 3,000 Ntong(Efik), Almost everybody knows this because it is a … The scent leave has been reported to be rich in plants chemicals.

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