cryptomeria japonica 'spiralis
Uses . La riproduzione della pianta avviene in genere per seme, in primavera e in tarda estate per talea di rami. ex L.f.) D.Don, 1841 è una pianta della famiglia Cupressaceae (da alcuni autori inserito nelle Taxodiaceae), originaria dell' Asia. Non tollera infatti ombreggiamenti, né esposizioni marittime. Pronunciation: krip-tow-ME-ri-a ja-PON-i-ka. Accessed 2020-11-27. Spiralis Japanese Cedar makes a fine choice for the outdoor landscape, but it is also well-suited for use in outdoor pots and containers. Sign up for your FREE ACCOUNT today or login to receive detailed monthly care instructions. Growth habit is variable. Grows best in deep, fertile, moist but well-drained soil in a sheltered, sunny or partially shaded site. To check if this plant is suitable for your garden first login to your account or subscribe. Interesting foliage, many needles twist themselves around branches giving a spiral appearance. 'Spiralis' _ 'Spiralis' is a dense, spreading then conical, slow-growing, evergreen, coniferous shrub or small tree with twisted stems bearing soft, curved, spirally-arranged, awl-shaped, light green leaves, flushed bronze in winter. To add notes for this plant login to your account or register for a new account. Grannies' ringlets, Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis Elongata', Cryptomeria japonica var. For a tidy appearance, ‘Gyokruya’ responds well to pruning. Concimazione: ogni 2 – 3 mesi somministrare alla base della pianta del concime granulare a lento rilascio ricco in azoto (N). Cryptomeria - Japanese Cedar. Cryptomeria japonica ´Globosa Nana´ , sempreverde, caratterizzata dal fogliame verde brillante, frutti verdi-marroni e dall´aspetto tondo e compatto. After 10 years of growth, a mature specimen will measure 6 to 8 feet (circa 2m) tall and 2-thirds as wide, an annual growth rate of 6 to 8 inches (15 - 20 cm) Available Sizes; Add to cart. Light green needles spiral around the thick branchlets of Cryptomeria japonica ‘Spiralis’ and form twisted ropes of ringlet-like foliage. Will tolerate most well-drained soils, including chalk. Cupressus japonica L.f.). Può resistere ai venti forti anche se preferisce posizioni riparate, ed è completamente rustica in tutta la penisola. Cryptomeria japonica Spiralis 3 Litre container - £11.99 GBP Pack of 5 x 3 Litre (save £10) - £49.95 GBP 1 Litre container - Sold Out Pack of 5 x 1 Litre (save £5) - Sold Out 7 Litre container - Sold Out Pack of 3 x 7 Litre (Save £10) - Sold Out Annaffiature: la pianta allevata a dimora in piena terra generalmente si accontenta delle acque piovane. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' £16.99 Buy in stock (shipped in 3-5 working days) Cryptomeria japonica 'Vilmoriniana' £16.99 Buy shipped within 2 weeks . Leaves are needle-awl-like, in five spirally arranged rows, directed forward and curved inward. Cryptomeria japonica 'Radicans' is a robust, fast-growing selection of Japanese cedar with columnar to pyramidal growth habit. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' - The Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' foliage is bright green in color, somewhat like the skin of a Granny Smith Apple, this cultivar of the native Japanese cedar is slow-growing and is a semi-dwarf at 6 to 8 feet in 10 years. Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yatsubusa’ is a very popular cultivar for bonsai as is Bandi-sugi. Le foglie, dal colore verde chiaro per la maggior parte dell’anno, in autunno assumono un colore bruno – rossastro. Type: Conifer. org/ articles/ cryptomeria/ cryptomeria-japonica/). Descrizione Cryptomeria japonica . They can be used in a range of bonsai styles including groups, formal and informal uprights, root over rock or clasped to a rock, and twin trunk. Gli esemplari allevati in vaso vanno invece, regolarmente annaffiati soprattutto nei periodi di gran caldo. Add your own photos, notes, get monthly email reminders on how to care for your plants, and Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' Light-green needles spiral around the thick branchlets & form twisted ropes of ringlet-like foliage. ex L.f.) D.Don (1839) è un albero sempreverde monoico con tronco eretto, fino a circa 40 m di altezza e 2 m di diametro alla base, dalla corteccia fibrosa da bruno rossastra a grigio scuro che tende a sfaldarsi in lunghe strisce longitudinali. Height 90cm-1.2m x Spread 45-60cm (3-4ft x 18-24in) in 10 years. ©2004-2020 Shoot Limited. This large ornamental, evergreen tree, revered in its native Japan where it is the National Tree, was introduced to Britain in 1861, and has attractive red-brown, slightly-peeling, fibrous brown bark and dense foliage consisting of short awl-shaped leaves which are arranged spirally … Anche se può essere formata in diversi stili, eretto formale, su roccia, a doppio tronco e a tronco multiplo, quello a cui meglio si adatta è sicuramente il formale poiché ricalca proprio la tipica forma di crescita della Cryptomeria. Esposizione: predilige i luoghi soleggiati e sopporta abbastanza bene climi rigidi con temperature al di sotto degli 0° C. Terreno: sia adatta a qualunque tipo di terreno purchè ben drenato e generalmente misto a sabbia grossolana. A vigorous, densely branched, globe-shaped plant when young, ‘Spiralis’ will develop a leader and a broad, upright habit that makes a dramatic impression in the landscape. Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. Garden Size: 10’H x 8’W The decorative foliage and slow growth rate makes these trees perfect for planting as ornamental specimens. Create your free Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' is a moderately fast growing broadly conical form of Japanese cedar with dense branching and needles that wrap around the branchlets in a "whipcord" fashion. La Cryptomeria a differenza delle altre conifere, non produce fiori e neanche frutti. Cryptomeria japonica … Cryptomeria Spiralis Shrubs (Japonica) are eye-catching evergreen shrubs with bright green foliage. Keep up the good work! CRYPTOMERIA JAPONICA SEEDS (Cupressus japonica, Japanese Cedar, Sugi) - Plant World Seeds. La chioma della Cryptomeria allevata in piena terra, va protetta dalla neve con un cappuccio di tessuto traspirante. Calathea musaica – Calathea musaica Network, Gelsomino d’acqua – Aponogeton distachyos, marciume delle radici causato dai ristagni idrici, 5 gadget da regalare a Natale a un amante del vino, Testata Registrata al tribunale di Nocera Inferiore n. 5/2020 - RG n. 1339/2020, Redattore specializzato in Casa e Giardinaggio. To add ? Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis'_Spiral Japanese Cedar $39.99. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' reminds some folks of a curly-haired elder, giving rise to one common name, granny's ringlets. To become a Shoot member visit the main Shoot website. My orders were received in perfect condition! Handling may cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction. Dark green needles appear in dense clumps on a broadly pyramidal plant. sinensis 'Spiralis' Cryptomeria japonica 'Yore-sugi' Family Cupressaceae Genus Cryptomeria are large evergreen trees with attractive red-brown bark and dense foliage consisting of short awl-shaped leaves arranged spirally around the … Flooring, Japan Forestry plantation, Hauts de l'Ouest, Réunion Logs, under tamarin trees, Réunion Loading logs, Réunion Cut log, Réunion Museum specimen of wood account. There are various dwarf cultivars that enhance the aesthetics of the tree even […] Note: We are working to update our ratings. Leading shoots can be removed to keep small. Chalky, Clay, Loamy, Sandy (will tolerate most soil types). La Cryptomeria japonica è naturalizzata in Italia nella sola regione Lombardia, tra 0 e 1200 metri sul livello del mare, nelle zone del Castanetum e del Lauretum. A single species in this genus, i.e., C. japonica. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' (Grannies' ringlets) will reach a height of 6m and a spread In inverno, riparare la pianta allevata in vaso in un luogo protetto. of 2m after 20-50 years. Prized for its curled foliage and stately, pluming upright habit, this plant has been colloquially named "granny's ringlets." Recommended citation 'Cryptomeria japonica' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline. Not only grown for its curiosity value, but also an excellent shrub. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' Common name: Spiralis Japanese Cedar. Architectural, City, Foliage only, Low Maintenance, Specimen tree. This selection has shown excellent disease resistance in areas where other forms have declined. Se la pianta inizia a spogliarsi completamente potrebbe essere vittima del Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Cultivation. generalmente si recidono solo i rami rotti o danneggiati dalla neve. Family: Taxodiaceae. La Cryptomeria è una sempreverde coltivata a scopo ornamentale nei giardini privati e nei parchi pubblici e viene apprezzata anche in forma bonsai. La Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. Create your free SHOOT garden and make a record of the plants in your garden. Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese Plume Cedar) is fast growing evergreen hardy in USDA zones 5-9. The needles are yellowish green and ½” in length. to your lists, login to your account or subscribe. D… Native to Japan and southern China Cryptomeria: from the Greek kryto, to hide, and meris, a part, apparently a … The foliage is a soft, dense, almost fern-like mass which combined with the bushy pyramidal form of the tree, is very attractive. You'll also receive handy monthly email reminders of what needs doing. plants in your garden. 'Spiralis' is a slow-growing semi-dwarf cultivar that typically grows to 6-8' tall over the first 10 years, but matures to as much as 30-40' tall over 50 years. La moltiplicazione può avvenire anche per talea: in questo caso si utilizzano per il trapianto soggetti di circa 5 anni di vita. With a common name of "Granny's Ringlets," the Cryptomeria Spiralis has needles that twist spirally around branches. Spiralis has been around for a long time, since the early 19th century. La varietà Cryptomeria globosa nana, caratterizzata da una crescita molto lenta, è provvista di un robusto apparato radicale e da un tronco corto con chioma molto fitta, tonda e compatta, formata da numerosi rami ricoperti da foglie aghiformi appiattite. La varietà Cryptomeria globosa nana, caratterizzata da una crescita molto lenta, è provvista di un robusto apparato radicale e da un tronco corto con chioma molto fitta, tonda e compatta, formata da numerosi rami ricoperti da foglie aghiformi appi… Thanks for your patience. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' is: Evergreen. È … To add images for this plant login to your account or register for a new account. sinensis 'Spiralis', Cryptomeria japonica 'Yore-sugi', Japanese cedar 'Spiralis', Granny's ringlets. Get started now. Altrove viene coltivata su suoli umidi dalla tessitura che va da pesante a fine, nelle più svariate condizioni di pH compresi valori molto acidi, e in pieno sole. It includes only one species, Cryptomeria japonica (syn. Media in category "Cryptomeria japonica cultivars" The following 88 files are in this category, out of 88 total. Grows 6-10" per year, 30' x 10' given time. La Cryptomeria è una pianta rustica che raramente viene attaccata da malattie fungine e dai parassiti animali. Grows best in deep, fertile, moist but well-drained soil in a sheltered, sunny or partially shaded site. La Cryptomeria, Cryptomeria japonica, è una pianta perenne appartenente alla famiglia delle Cupressaceae, originaria dell’Asia o meglio del Giappone. The Japanese cedar or cryptomeria, meaning hidden parts, is a coniferous tree widespread within Japan. Will develop a leader & a broad, upright habit that makes … Cut back untidy specimens to within 60-90cm of ground level in spring. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' (Grannies' ringlets) will reach a height of 6m and a spread of 2m after 20-50 years. La Cryptomeria, Cryptomeria japonica, è una pianta perenne appartenente alla famiglia delle Cupressaceae, originaria dell’Asia o meglio del Giappone. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' - Granny’s Ringlets. Soffre come tante altre piante il marciume delle radici causato dai ristagni idrici. Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkan-sugi’ C. japonica ‘Spiralis’ grows on a rockery at Burncoose but is a huge impressive tree with a globular habit at Fota Arboretum in southern Ireland. I will be ordering again in the future.-- Josephine G., Mo. Architectural, City, Foliage only, Low Maintenance, Specimen tree. Cryptomeria japonica ´Elegans´, con rami principali che toccano il terreno e con colorazioni estive verdi-azzurre che virano verso il rosso-marrone nel periodo invernale. Cryptomeria japonica (Cedro del Giappone) è una conifera conica o colonnare, con delle foglie di colore verde o verde intenso, lunghe 0,5 – 1,5 cm, e dei coni femminili marrone.. Ogni scaglia possiede 3 – 5 semi. The bark is reddish in color and can peel. Our Clients Say. In the summer they are light green, but they can turn bronzy-brown during the winter. An evergreen, pyramidal tree 100 to 180 ft high in Japan, with a trunk 3 to 7 ft in diameter, clothed with a thin reddish-brown bark which peels off in long, narrow strips. Cryptomeria japonica ‘Gyokruya’ is a very durable selection that maintains a good green color all winter. A Cryptomeria japonica cultivar, name unknown 'Spiralis' or 'Rasen' cone, Marki. ... Click the button below to add the Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis'_Spiral Japanese Cedar to … It has dense, blue-green, feathery foliage that retains its color in winter with less bronzing than other Japanese cedars. Get expert info and easy to follow monthly care reminders for the plants in your garden by signing up for a free Shoot account. All rights reserved. No pruning necessary. Enter your details below and click 'Subscribe' and you'll have a free Shoot account. Normally this form is a low spreading bush with the leaves spirally twisted or flattened around the stems. Cryptomerias are delightful little conifers that feature colourful evergreen leaves. Create a free SHOOT account and get instant access to expert care advice for this and other We do not currently have companion plants added for this plant. Synonyms Cryptomeria japonica var. Cryptomeria japonica La Criptomeria è molto ricercata come specie bonsai grazie alla sua chioma ed al suo portamento. Its large size and upright habit of growth lend it for use as a solitary accent, or in a composition surrounded by smaller plants around the base and those that spill over the edges. Genus: Cryptomeria. It is a handsome tree and only grows prettier with age, with the most striking feature being its pyramidal shape with dense branches, spreading in concentric circles. E’ una pianta che non richiede interventi di potatura. connect with other gardeners. A vigorous, densely branched, globe-shaped plant when young. Commonly known as granny's ringlets, it is very unusual and choice. to your plant lists. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis' is a slow growing irregular mound or pyramid with odd twisted needles over all branchlets. Cryptomeria (literally "hidden parts") is a monotypic genus of conifer in the cypress family Cupressaceae, formerly belonging to the family Taxodiaceae. One of the few conifers that responds well to coppicing. The branches are slightly pendulous. Very fast shiping and lovely healthy plants. A semi-dwarf at 6 to 8 feet in 10 years, Cryptomeria starts moulding, later developing an upright leader as it matures. Needles twist spirally around the branches in ringlets, hence the additional common name of granny's ringlets for this plant. Suggested uses. In order to add a note on this plant, please add this plant 20150517Blijdestein, Cryptomeria.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.93 MB ’ s ringlets. dalla neve colorazioni estive verdi-azzurre che virano verso il rosso-marrone nel periodo invernale is suitable your! Rotti o danneggiati dalla neve ogni 2 – 3 mesi somministrare alla base della pianta avviene in per. City, foliage only, Low Maintenance, Specimen tree named `` granny ringlets.: 10 ’ H x 8 ’ W Spiralis has been around for a tidy appearance, ‘ Gyokruya responds... 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