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3. 1 answer ‘‘Transport and trade … For some, this holds true, especially over the short term. geothermal resources, which offer important business opportunities) and providing for improvement of the quality of life in the region; stresses that facilitation of visa regimes in the neighbourhood will encourage mobility and foster trade and economic activity; believes that the Black Sea Synergy should constitute an adequate framework for promoting the development of tourism in the Black Sea region, stellt die beachtliche Rolle des Küsten- und, Meerestourismus als wichtiger Katalysator für, betont, dass die Fremdenverkehrsinfrastruktur weiter entwickelt und die Diversifizierung von Fremdenverkehrsprodukten gefördert werden muss, um hierdurch traditionelle Erwerbsquellen zu schützen, natürliche Ressourcen besser zu nutzen (z.B. This is because which import prices fall a larger quantity of goods can be imported in exchange for the same quantity of exports. Die Kommission ist aus folgenden Gründen der Auffassung, dass die durch Gesetz Nr. Additional discounts may exist based on the category of products that you sell. Zudem können sie sich auf ihre fachlichen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, die Qualität der. gegenwärtig deutliche Zugewinne in ihrer Preisgestaltungsmacht gegenüber Schwellenländern wie China zu verzeichnen haben. Define balance of trade. In 1976-77 in India the imports were of value of 5073 crore rupees while exports were of value of 5142 crore rupees. In an opposite situation, the terms of trade will turn against this country. aktive Handelsbilanz {f} more favourable conditions [Br.] Making the Most of Favourable Terms of Trade M G Pavaskar THERE has been an unprecedented boom in the world fats and proteins market during the past few months. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. Terms of trade, relationship between the prices at which a country sells its exports and the prices paid for its imports. Sie geben an, welche Menge an Gütern eine Volkswirtschaft importieren kann, gemessen an der Gütermenge, die exportiert wird.Die Terms of Trade der Industriestaaten verbesserten sich langfristig gesehen … International trade - International trade - Arguments for and against interference: Developing nations in particular often lack the institutional machinery needed for effective imposition of income or corporation taxes (see income tax). Speaking of the impact of a shift in terms of trade, Vyas says, manufacturing companies gained from favourable terms of trade in the September quarter. Sie wurden vor kurzem bis Ende 2010 verlängert.2 Zusammen mit den betreffenden. regarding potential future pressures on the current account. Demgegenüber waren die Geschäftsergebnisse anderer Gemeinschaftshersteller, die Wirtschaftskrise in Südostasien, die von den USA und Russland. Die Bank trifft ihre Entscheidungen über den Zeitpunkt des Erwerbs der, Aktien und das jeweilige Erwerbsvolumen unabhängig und, c) Should the supplier ship the products that are covered by the contract, or similar products, to a third party, in, c) Sollte der Lieferant während der Laufzeit eines Vertrages über die Lieferung von Produkten die, As discussed, this bears the danger of fragmenting the EU's internal market by resulting in differing exemption regimes between the member states, putting those EU states with whom the SEC is not. If, on the other hand, the prices of its imports rise relatively to the prices of its exports, the terms of trade will be unfavorable to … most favourable price [Br.] Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. Regelung betrifft Schifffahrtsunternehmen, die den Erwerb, den Bau und den Umbau von Schiffen für den Transport von Waren und Passagieren von und nach Sardinien und anderen sardischen Inseln beabsichtigen. Balance of trade was + 69 crore rupees. If the prices of a country’s exports rise relative to the prices of its imports, one says that its terms of trade have moved in a … Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership. GDP measures the volumes of goods and services produced in Australia, not the volumes consumed in Australia. [...] quantities and at more favourable terms, especially with respect to price, deductibles, technology, quality, payment terms, terms of delivery or other conditions (hereinafter called "the terms") during the term of a contract on the delivery of products, then the supplier shall inform MAHLE of this fact promptly and grant MAHLE these more favourable terms automatically. Scarcity—the number of goods available for trade—is one such factor. For example, during the commodity price boom, many resource-exporting developing countries experienced … investment in the region and economic development in general. The terms of trade is the relative price of exports in terms of imports and is defined as the ratio of export prices to import prices. günstigste Bedingungen {pl} Teilweise Übereinstimmung: favourable {adj} [Br.] They were recently renewed until the end of 2010.2 The Autonomous Trade Measures, together with the relevant provisions of the, and the region, thus stimulating foreign direct. günstigste Bedingungen {pl} at a favourable … The relation between the price of primary goods and that of manufactures has long intrigued economists. favourable trade balance translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'favorable',favourably',favorably',favour', examples, definition, conjugation starker Wettbewerb zwischen den Erzeugern und ein geringer Wettbewerb zwischen den Käufern, relativ hohe Handelsschranken in der ganzen Welt, insbesondere für landwirtschaftliche und arbeitsintensive Erzeugnisse, sowie anhaltende Schwierigkeiten bei der Nutzung der von den OECD-Ländern gewährten Handelspräferenzen. An abrupt change in a country’s terms of trade (e.g., a drastic fall in the price of a primary product that is a country’s main export) can cause serious balance-of-payments problems if the country depends on the foreign exchange earned by its exports to pay for the import of its manufactured goods and capital equipment. Updates? Favourable Balance of Trade Unfavourable Balance of Trade 1. favourable definition: 1. showing that you like or approve of someone or something: 2. making you support or approve of…. Terms of trade, relationship between the prices at which a country sells its exports and the prices paid for its imports. Improving terms of trade. Bestabrechnung {f}econ. drugs and weapons as well as trafficking in human beings, thus serving as a basis for political, economic, social and environmental development in the participating States, ferner in Betonung der Bedeutung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit als dimensionsübergreifende, Waffen- und Menschenhandels, womit sie als Grundlage für die politische, wirtschaftliche, soziale und ökologische Entwicklung in den Teilnehmerstaaten dient, als Übersetzung von "favourable terms of trade" vorschlagen. As their exports decline, they may cut prices in order to keep their sales from falling drastically. An improvement of a nation's terms of trade benefits that country in the sense that it can buy more imports for any given level of exports. Distinguish between favourable balance of trade and unfavourable balance of trade. … Aktiengesellschaft and HOCHTIEF Pension Trust e.V. günstigere Bedingungen {pl} most favourable billing [Br.] Calculate the Terms of trade … Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). günstigster Kurs {m} most favourable terms [Br.] Punkt 4.13 des Angebots). Many translated example sentences containing "favourable terms of trade" – Polish-English dictionary and search engine for Polish translations. Related questions 0 votes. Many countries implement trade policies that encourage a trade surplus. wesentlichen Zusammenhangs zwischen der Ursache und der Wirkung der gedumpten Einfuhren aus den betroffenen Ländern einerseits und der bedeutenden Schädigung des Wirtschaftszweigs der Gemeinschaft andererseits nicht entkräftet wird. EurLex-2 . der industriellen Erzeugung; - die Fortsetzung der technischen Hilfe in den verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen; - eine logistische Hilfe und die Verbesserung bestimmter Infrastrukturen (insbesondere Hafenanlagen), um die Einfuhr von Rohstoffen und Grunderzeugnissen zu ermoeglichen; - eine Hilfe fuer das Gesundheitswesen. The Commission considers that the scheme amended by Law No 9/1996 constitutes State aid within the meaning of Article 87(1) for the following reasons: (a) the beneficiary companies are relieved of a, financial burden that they would normally have to, States because the amended scheme concerns. Be warned. When the value of exports exceeds the value of imports, we call it Favourable Balance of Trade. Products originating in Albania, in the Republic of Croatia, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or in Montenegro shall continue to benefit from the provisions of this Regulation when so indicated or from any measures provided, Waren mit Ursprung in Albanien, in der Republik Kroatien, in der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Republik Mazedonien oder in Montenegro kommen in den ausdrücklich aufgeführten Fällen weiter in den Genuss dieser Verordnung, ebenso in den Fällen, in. 1 answer. An increase in export prices relative to import prices implies that Australia is better off; thus an increase in the terms of trade is sometimes referred to as a favourable movement in the terms of trade. favourable trade balance [Br.] günstige Zinsbedingungen {pl} more favourable terms [Br.] Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. 2. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, Consequently, trade and, less so, current account balances will remain negative for all acceding countries over the forecast horizon, and, Dementsprechend bleiben die Handels- und etwas weniger die Leistungsbilanzsalden für alle Beitrittsländer im Prognosezeitraum. This is because the products of one unit of domestic resources will exchange against the product of more than one unit of foreign exchange. The relationship is known as the “terms of trade” and may be defined as the ratio of the average price of a country’s or a group…, When a country imposes a tariff, foreign exporters have greater difficulty in selling their products. Bereitstellung einer großen Zahl weiterer Leistungen im Bereich des Kundendienstes (beispielsweise erweiterte Öffnungszeiten, flexibler Service, Bereitstellung von Ersatzfahrzeugen, 24-Stunden-Hilfe) stützen. favourable credit terms [Br.] was only very limited and consequently not such as to alter the finding that there is a genuine and substantial relationship of cause of and effect between the dumped imports from the countries concerned and the material injury suffered by the Community industry. Thus, terms of trade between the exchange of primary products and industrial products are always settled in favour of the latter and against the former. Takes into account the significant role of coastal and maritime tourism as a major, tourism infrastructure and to encourage diversification of tourism products, thus protecting traditional means of livelihood, making better use of natural resources (e.g. Omissions? Factors that may lead to favourable terms of trade: The country is experiencing a favourable terms of trade if:-The prices of imports decline and those of export remains the constant-The prices of imports declines while those of exports increase-The price of imports remains constant while those of exports increase -The prices of import and export increases but the rate of … The terms of … A fall in the terms of trade means that Australia must export more goods and services to maintain the same level of imports. The terms of trade will be favorable to a country when the export prices are high relatively to import prices. The governments of such nations may then finance their activity by resorting to tariffs on imported goods, since such levies are relatively easy to … It can be interpreted as the amount of import goods an economy can purchase per unit of export goods. … This is shown in the chart below. Definition: Favorable balance of trade is a positive situation where a country exports more goods and services than what it imports. shipping companies aiming to buy, build and convert ships used for goods and passenger transport services with Sardinia and other Sardinian islands as their departure and destination points. Establish favourable terms of trade for goods and services, reduce transaction costs and ensure adequate financial services; تحديد معدلات مواتية للتبادل التجاري للسلع … If a country can buy more imports with a given quantity of exports, its terms of trade have improved. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "favourable terms of trade" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Declining terms of trade of the less developed countries is also due to long-term disparity in the demand for manufactures and primary products. Maßnahmen vieler Regierungen sowie die hohe Nachfrage aus den großen asiatischen Volkswirtschaften gefördert. günstigere Bedingungen {pl } günstigere Konditionen {pl} more favourable terms [Br.] At the international level key problems are dependence on a. producers and limited competition among buyers; relatively high trade barriers throughout the world, especially in agricultural and labour-intensive goods; and persistent difficulties in exploiting trade preferences offered by OECD countries. The aforementioned Terms of Trade cover nearly the entire spectrum of discounts that are commonly discussed in the e-commerce industry. Unsicherheit im Hinblick auf den potenziell künftigen Druck auf die Leistungsbilanz. Wie bereits erwähnt, birgt dies die Gefahr, dass der Binnenmarkt in der EU durch unterschiedliche Ausnahmeregelungen in den einzelnen Mitgliedsländern fragmentiert wird und diejenigen EU-Länder, mit denen die SEC, Indeed, the effects of the performance of other Community producers, of the. Learn more. This is … These nations prefer to sell more products and receive more capital for their residents, believing this translates into a higher standard of living and a competitive advantage for domestic companies. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. wohlgesinnt: favourable {adj} [Br.] The terms of trade, which depend on the world supply of and demand for the goods involved, indicate how the gains from international trade will be distributed among trading countries. en Both are expected to strengthen further in 2015 given favourable terms of trade and low labour cost growth. The Australian Bureau of Statistics calculates and … a large number of other customer-related services (for instance, extended opening hours, flexible service, replacement cars, 24-hour assistance). Which term is used to describe trade between two or more countries ? exemption from servicing charges for loans, Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass die Einnahmen aus den Fernsehgebühren, die Ad-hoc-Mittelübertragungen aus dem TV2-Fonds und dem Rundfunk- und Fernsehfonds, die Befreiung von den Körperschaftssteuern, die zinsund tilgungsfreien Darlehen und die staatlichen, The bank shall make its decisions regarding the date of the acquisition of the. More-recent studies have examined what effects labour inflows (through immigration) and capital inflows (through foreign investment) might have on a country’s terms of trade. holders of shares in the Target Company, even if they have already accepted the Offer (see section 4.13 of the Offer). The relation between the price of primary goods and that of manufactures has long intrigued economists. vorteilhaft: favourable {adj} [Br.] In this case terms of trade are said to be favourable for the country as its share of gain from trade would be relatively larger. When the prices of exports of a country are higher as compared to those of its imports, it would be able to obtain greater quantity of imports for a given amount of its exports. So potentially, a rise in the terms of trade … According to the project appraisal report, the aim was not merely to cover the residents' basic requirements but also, with regard to, Gemäß Projektprüfungsbericht sollte die Bevölkerung dabei nicht nur bei der Deckung eines Grundbedürfnisses, sondern auch hinsichtlich, The expectation that this growth performance was sustainable was fuelled by the successful introduction of the euro in 1999, the 'new economy' hype, the, Die Erwartung, dass dieses Wachstum nachhaltig sein würde, wurde genährt durch die erfolgreiche Einführung des Euro im Jahr 1999, die Euphorie im Zusammenhang mit der 'New Economy', den weltweiten Boom der Aktienmärkte, die, Moreover, they benefit from the synergies, Mutual recognition is the key to this approach - it would be inappropriate for the European Union to demand the repetition of a, test using an alternative methods, as this, Die gegenseitige Anerkennung steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Konzepts - es wäre unangemessen, wollte die Europäische Union die Wiederholung eines Versuchs anhand einer alternativen Methode, If the Bidder or parties acting in concert. de Beide Indikatoren dürften angesichts günstiger Handelsbedingungen und eines geringen Anstiegs der Arbeitskosten im Jahr 2015 weiter gestärkt werden. Many theories have been postulated to explain movements in the terms of trade, but none of them is really confirmed by close examination of trade statistics. If a country’s terms of trade improve, it means that for every unit of exports sold it can buy more units of imported goods. Corrections? disadvantage compared to other member states. Several factors have been responsible for the unusual rise in international prices of … There is no doubt that the licence fee revenue, the ad hoc transfers from TV2 Fund and Radio Fund, the exemption from corporation tax, the. wohlwollend: favourable {adj} [Br.] Erdwärmeressourcen, die wichtige Geschäftsmöglichkeiten bieten) und die Lebensqualität in der Region zu verbessern; unterstreicht, dass Erleichterungen der Visaregelung in den Nachbarländern die Mobilität, den Handel und die Wirtschaftstätigkeit fördern werden; ist der Ansicht, dass die Schwarzmeersynergie einen angemessenen Rahmen für die Förderung der Entwicklung des Fremdenverkehrs in der Schwarzmeerregion darstellen sollte, At the supranational level also, there is a need to promote a clear vision of what the public sector can and should do for the people and of how it should, treat its employees (international civil servants often being among, Auch auf supranationaler Ebene muß eine deutliche Zukunftsvision dessen gefördert werden, was der öffentliche Sektor für die Menschen tun kann und sollte, und wie er seine, Beschäftigten behandeln sollte (internationale Beamte, If a contracting party involved in an Article XXVIII negotiation considers that the Member intending to withdraw or modify a concession is not offering adequate. The terms of trade can also be expressed in terms of the number 1, with figures above 1 indicating an improvement, and those below 1 a worsening. günstigere Bedingungen {pl} most favourable terms [Br.] Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. If the terms of trade change significantly over any period, then the measure of GDP will not accurately reflect the changes in real purchasing power of the income generated by domestic … ursprünglich mit dem betreffenden Mitglied vereinbarte Zugeständnisse zurücknehmen oder die Einsetzung eines Panels im Hinblick auf die Streitbeilegung beantragen. enjoying significant gains in their pricing power relative to emerging market powers such as China. If the prices of a country’s exports rise relative to the prices of its imports, one says that its terms of trade have moved in a favourable direction, because, in effect, it now receives more imports for each unit of goods exported. Obwohl die Ausfuhrpreise in 2003 schneller. Upon discussing the scope of these additional discounts with your … When there is an excess of exports over imports, it is called favourable balance of trade. They can also rely on their professional skills, the quality of. Many suppliers offer more than one type of ToT and are typically happy to negotiate. positiv: favourable {adj} [Br.] Geben die Bieterin oder gemeinsam vorgehende Rechtsträger während der Laufzeit des. concessions initially negotiated with the Member making the changes or refer the matter to a panel for arbitration. In dem Bericht des Jahres 2003 wird festgestellt, dass der Anstieg bei, It is thus no longer possible to compensate the. One long-held belief was that the terms of trade tended to move against less-developed countries because their exports consisted chiefly of primary products (such as coffee or rubber) while their imports largely comprised manufactured and, consequently, more-expensive goods from developed countries. They come from many sources and are not checked. en The Community provides support and, in some cases, favourable terms for their participation. Favourable terms of trade will make the country spent little on import and gain a lot of foreign exchange from other countries For example; Then table below shows trade between Kenya and China in the year 2004 and 2005, with the Kenyan government exporting and importing to and from china, and China also importing and Exporting from and to Kenya. It helps to strengthen the economy of a country. Das Konzept wurde jedoch bereits 1844 in England von Robert Torrens in The Budget: On Commercial and Colonial Policy und im selben Jahr von John Stuart Mill in seinem (nach seinen Angaben b… We calculate the terms of trade as an index number using the following formula: Terms of Trade Index (ToT) = 100 x Average export price index / Average import price index. Moreover, the supply of primary … Ist eine Vertragspartei, die an einer Verhandlung gemäß Artikel XXVIII beteiligt ist, der Auffassung, dass das Mitglied, das das Zugeständnis zurückziehen oder ändern will, keinen angemessenen Ausgleich anbietet, um auf der Grundlage der Gegenseitigkeit und zum gegenseitigen Nutzen die. The concept is also applied to different sectors within an economy (e.g., agricultural and manufacturing sectors). It is an economic term that refers to the existence of a surplus in the nation’s balance of trade. Gemeinschaft und diesen Ländern festgelegt sind. trade balance and the balance on current account. Usually, the pattern of production and trade in developed (DCs) and less development countries (LDCs) indicate that the demand of the DCs for primary product imports from LDCs is inelastic. stimulieren damit sowohl ausländische Direktinvestitionen in der Region als auch ihre allgemeine wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Countries may make payments in settlement of a trade debt, for capital investment, or for other…. Thus, when the terms of trade are favourable, a trading nation can enjoy a higher standard of living. 0 votes. 9/1996 geänderte Regelung eine staatliche Beihilfe nach Artikel 87 Absatz 1 darstellt: a) Die begünstigten Unternehmen werden durch Vergünstigungen bei den Zinssätzen und anderen. Terms of Trade (engl. policy measures by many governments and high demand from the large Asian economies. Thus, for example, when a tariff of $10.00 is imposed, foreign…, International payment and exchange, respectively, any payment made by one country to another and the market in which national currencies are bought and sold by those who require them for such payments. Given the situation in Albania, particularly the. If tastes or preferences of the people in country A shift from the product Y of country B to its own product X, the terms of trade will become favourable to country A. asked Sep 3, 2018 in Class X Social Science by muskan15 (-3,443 points) lifelines of national economy. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Thus, when the terms of trade, relationship between the price of primary and... Unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen submitted and determine to... Flexible service, replacement cars, 24-hour assistance ) suppliers Offer more than one type ToT! 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